Today I want to talk to you about what I consider the best sight reading software on the market – Sight Reading Factory. I WISH this had been around when I was first learning piano. This is the first software I found that systematizes sight reading, making it much faster to learn. In this blog post I’m going to tell you about a sight reading workout plan to systematically go… continue reading
The 3 Keys to Learning Piano as an Adult
Today I’m going to go through the “Age Perception Fallacy” and whether or not you can learn piano as an adult EVEN IF you had no experience as a kid. Then, I’m going to let you know about the three keys to succeeding at piano as an adult and what separates those who make it from those who don’t. Can you learn piano as an adult? The answer is 100%… continue reading
Do Kids REALLY Learn Piano Faster Than Adults?
I hear this all the time. People say kids learn faster. They talk about how children’s brains are more “moldable” and that kids “absorb things faster” at a younger age. I think this is BS. I really do. And it makes me sad because I think it’s a perception that keeps a lot of adults from even trying piano. It just becomes an excuse of “well, I’d love to learn… continue reading