The ULTIMATE Piano Keyboard Buyer’s Guide

I get a lot of people asking me two simple questions: 1. Can I learn piano on a electric keyboard? 2. What’s the best keyboard to get? Here’s the answers: 1. Yes, absolutely! BUT you have to make sure you get the RIGHT type of keyboard. More about that below……

How to Demolish Your Piano Scales

My piano teacher in college had the same old routine every piano lesson. He was a busy guy. So as I was warming up with my scales, he'd be checking over his emails, scheduling his appointments - his eyes glued to the computer. But today would be different.  He didn't…

How to Develop Rock-Solid Piano Technique

Hey it's Zach again… Wanted to tell you a story about my friend Donnie. It doesn't seem like it relates to piano but actually… It does. Just not in the way you'd think it would... Donnie is… let's just say… Huge. As in muscle huge. Six pack. Biceps. He looks…

The Weird Thing That Helped Me Learn Piano Technique

I want you to try this. It sounds weird. You'll look like a fool. But just try it. Go outside cross your arms in front of you and run as fast as you can. I just did this before writing this post... My neighbors looked at me like I was…

Solving “Weak Pinkie Syndrome” on Piano (Over Under Technique)

I feel dumb. Why? It took me sooo long to notice this ridiculously obvious thing… It's right in front of your face, but you may not have noticed it. And it leads to the "Over-Under Technique" - Probably the second most important technique to all your playing… Anyway. So I…

Piano Guys Secret Formula – 9th Chord Arpeggios

I'm not gonna lie... I am a total Piano Guys fangirl (and I'm a guy!). I'm not scared to admit it, I love their music. But I found out something very…interesting… about their piano arrangements… I've bought a TON of their sheet music. And sheet music in a similar style.…

The 3 Essential Things Great Pianists Have

To become a great, well rounded pianist, there are three main facets you need to develop: the Physical, the Mental, and the Emotional. All three are equally important, and to max out your potential as a pianist you should work on all three. Everyone has one or two that they…

Piano Exercises for Beginners – The #1 Technique for Piano Beginners

What’s up everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about of of the most important piano exercises for beginners. It’s that one fundamental exercise everyone should know. When I started using this drill, it fundamentally changed the way I played. It was the first and most important piano technique I learned…

The ULTIMATE Guide to Mastering Piano Technique – Part 2

Ok, so enough chit chat, time to get down to action. Like anything else in life, you don’t get better at it by reading about it, you get better by doing it. So here’s my step-by-step systematic action plan to get some rock-solid piano technique. It only takes about 5…

Do Kids REALLY Learn Piano Faster Than Adults?

I hear this all the time. People say kids learn faster. They talk about how children’s brains are more “moldable” and that kids “absorb things faster” at a younger age. I think this is BS. I really do. And it makes me sad because I think it’s a perception that…